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Gibbs Rules Plus Mine

Rule #1: Never let suspects sit together.

Other Rule #1: Never screw over your partner.

Rule #2: Always wear gloves at a crime scene.

Other #2: Stop talking

Rule #3: Never believe what you are told. Double-check.

Other Rule #3: Never be unreachable.

Rule #4: Best way to keep a secret: Keep it to yourself. Second best: Tell one other person—if you must. There is no third best.

Rule #5: You don’t waste good.

Rule #6: Never say you’re sorry.

Rule #7: Always be specific when you lie.

Rule #8: Never take anything for granted.

Rule #9: Never go anywhere without a knife.

Rule #10: Never get involved personally on a case.

Rule #11: When the job is done, walk away.

Rule #12: Never date a coworker.

Rule #13: Never involve lawyers.

Rule #14: Bend the line, don’t break it.

Rule #15: Always work as a team.

Rule #16: If someone thinks he has the upper hand, break it.

Rule #18: It’s better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.

Rule #19: never fall in love with the same person twice. The second time you fall for the memories and not the person.

Rule #20: Always look under.

Rule #22: Never, ever bother Gibbs in interrogation.

Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine’s coffee if you want to live.

Rule #27: Two ways to follow someone. First way, they never notice you. Second way, they only notice you.

Rule #28: When you need help, ask.

Rule #33: ‘fine’ is the ultimate indicator of apathy and discontent,” “’Fine’ means a standard is barely being met.

Rule #35: Always watch the watchers.

Rule #36: If it feels like you’re being played, you probably are.

Rule #38: Your case, you’re lead.

Rule #39: There is no such thing as a coincidence.

Rule #40: If it seems like someone’s out to get you, they are.

Rule #42: Never accept an apology from somebody who just sucker punched you.

Rule #44: First things first, hide the women and children.

Rule #45: Left a mess I gotta clean up.

Rule #51: Sometimes you’re wrong.

Rule #62: Always give people space when they get off an elevator.

Rule #69: Never trust a woman who doesn’t trust her man.                                

Rule #70:leaders should endeavor to be honest, ethical, moral people who try to set standards for themselves and lead by example

Rule #91: When you decide to walk away, never look back.

Man Laws ( Miller Lite )

Your best friend is dumped by his girlfriend. How long before you can ask her out? It was suggested to be various short amounts of time, but the idea of dating a friend's ex was thought to be wholly unacceptable by Mr. Reynolds. However, when asked "What if she's drop-dead gorgeous?", Mr. Reynolds changed his answer to "Six months" and the motion was summarily accepted.

If you bring Miller Lite to a party and not all of it is consumed, can you take the remainder with you as you leave the party? Tuck Rule: One beer max, but only if the beer will fit in your pocket.

If a friend gets you a beer from the bar, is it acceptable for the friend to stick his finger in the opening to bring back several beers to the table at once? No. "You poke it, you own it."

When toasting with beer, should you clink with the top or the bottom of the bottle? The Bottom, because clinking the top would swap saliva and thus qualify as kissing.

Is the high five officially played out? Yes, but a continuance has been issued until a replacement can be found.

Does someone have to root for a team when watching football? Yes. You must always choose to root for a team.

Is it permissible to hide your beer in the fridge so that others can't find it? No, "sharing is caring."

Wireless phone headsets: pretty cool or technology gone bad? Technology gone bad: Anything that makes you look like a crazy person - not cool. (Mr. Bus completely disagrees.)

Can you put a lime or any other fruit in your beer? No, fruit is completely off limits in beer. If one was to put fruit in a beer, they might as well put a little umbrella in it and call it a "beera colada". Man Law: "Don't Fruit the Beer." (Ironically, Miller is introducing a Beer Brewed with Lime)

Is it permissible, in the pursuit of humor, to tap the top of another man's beer bottle with the bottom of your beer bottle, causing the other man's beer bottle to fizz over? No, as there are plenty of other things that make us laugh without wasting a drop of beer, like Japanese game shows, Undercover Brother on DVD, and Jimmy Johnson's hair. Man Law: "No wasting beer in the pursuit of humor."

Have football fans become too reliant on the "D-Fence" sign? Yes, however, a continuance has been issued on the "D-Fence" sign, while giving a try-out to the "Off-Fence" sign this season.

Is it acceptable for a man to leave his fellow men in order to leave with his woman?

No, however, this ruling can be overturned if she is deemed attractive enough by said fellow men. Most notably, Burt Reynolds, in the case of Mr. Murray's girlfriend, Jewel. (Beforehand, the Men were discussing if it is acceptable for a man to drive a hybrid car. A Man Law was never adopted for this.)

Is it acceptable to leave a game before it ends to beat traffic? No. In a rare double man law it was also deemed unacceptable for a man to bake on game day. This is the one Rodney Blu appears in.

Is it acceptable for a man to use a fake log when real wood is available? No. Real wood must always be used.

Is it acceptable for a wife or girlfriend to store items other than beer in the garage fridge? No. The line is the line - It is only sovereign territory left.

Is crushing beer cans on your forehead still cool? No. Cans are not as thick as they once were. Crushing one back then was saying something, but now, it's lame.

Can a man wash his hair in the sink? No. Under no circumstance shall a man wash his hair in a sink. Hair washing will only take place in the shower, OR, the barber.

Can a man end a game of pain, by not abiding by the rules? No. All rules shall be followed or the result will be double the penalty of the game for the man who broke them.

Is telling stories of getting kicked in the balls reasonable male conversation? No. Hearing a story of that nature brings back painful memories because every man has his own story.

If while eating hot peppers, is it acceptable for a person to stay at the table and not eat while forcing others to eat the peppers? No, if said person is at the table and is trying to make others eat hot peppers while being too chicken to try one themselves they should be made to eat twice the amount eaten or be shunned from the table and made to sit outside, no matter the weather conditions.

Can a mn miss the night before opening day of deer hunting for a date with his Girlfriend? No. This could possibly be the most important day of the year. This is not acceptable under any circumstances and will result in severe punishment. This decision was made by the men of Orion's Lodge. 

Bro Code ( Barney Stinson ) 

40 Unwritten Rules of the Bro Code

Since the Bro Code is a way of life that defines men’s friendships and relationships with their peers, you need to at least know the most important ones. Here are some of the unwritten rules of the Bro Code you can’t forget:

1. Bros before hoes.

This is the most important rule of the Bro Code playbook. Call it the first amendment of being a guy, if you will. Your bros come before any girl. Your friends will always be there for you, but a girl might not.

2. Never date your bro’s ex.

If your bro has ever dated a girl, she is off-limits to you. There are plenty of other women there, and you don’t want to risk ruining your friendship over your pal’s ex-girlfriend. She’s an ex for a reason!

3. Remember your wingman duties.

As a wingman, it’s your job to help your bro get with a girl. This means you should be willing to talk him up, make him look good, and step in if things start to go wrong.

4. No gossiping.

When it comes to talking about your best friend, you should always keep it positive. Don’t be the guy spreading rumors or talking behind your friend’s back.

5. Split the bill equally.

When you go out to eat with your bros, split the bill equally. Tools like Venmo and Zelle have made going out to eat with friends easier than ever.

6. Help a bro out.

If your bro needs help, whether it’s moving or fixing his car, you should be willing to lend a hand. This is what friendship is all about.

7. Don’t date your bro’s sister.

It should go without saying that dating your friend’s family is completely off-limits. Not only will it likely ruin your friendship, but it could also create an awkward family dynamic.

8. Give him a call.

In an all-too-digital world, we often forget to pick up the phone and give our best pals a call. We get it; you’re a bro on the go. However, talking on the phone is a meaningful way to stay connected and show your friend that you care.

9. Look out for his girlfriend when he’s not around.

Whether at the bar or a party, you should always be aware of your bro’s girlfriend. Keep a brotherly eye out for her to make sure she’s safe!

10. Never leave a bro without a ride.

Even if you want to go home with someone you met at the club, ensure your bro has a way to get home. Leaving him hanging to chase after a date isn’t cool and could damage your friendship.

11. Don’t let him get a girl’s name tattooed on his chest.

Sometimes, tattoos sound really great when we’ve been drinking, but they’re permanent and can be a bad idea. If your bro is thinking of getting a girl’s name tattooed after a long night of partying, talk him out of it!

12. Don’t let him do something (too) stupid.

We all have that one friend who has a tendency to make questionable decisions when under the influence. It’s up to you as his friend to make sure he doesn’t do anything he’d regret.

13. Be there for the good and bad times.

No matter what life throws at your friend, be the ultimate bro, and always be there to support him. That means riding with him on the highs of a new relationship or building him back up when he’s ready to date after a divorce. Having someone you can count on is priceless.

14. Never hit him below the belt.

Take this literally or metaphorically, but never take a cheap shot at your bro. This means no physical violence down under and also no emotional attacks.

15. Pick him up when he’s down.

If your friend is feeling low, do whatever you can to lift his spirits. Sometimes, giving him a bit of space to process his emotions is the best thing you can do, but if he’s been down a long time, don’t be shy about offering your support.

16. If you think his partner is cheating on him, tell him.

This is never an easy conversation to have, but if you think your bro’s partner is cheating on him, it’s best to tell him what you know. That way, he can make an informed decision.

17. Respect each other’s boundaries.

It’s important to respect each other’s boundaries and privacy. Don’t overstep the mark by intruding into his personal life without permission.

18. If his girlfriend calls you and asks where he is, you don’t know.

At the end of the day, your loyalty is to your friend. Unless he’s in a dangerous situation, never give away his whereabouts to a third party.

19. Don’t be afraid of healthy competition.

Sometimes, competing against your best friend can bring out the best in you both. Just make sure to keep it friendly, and remember that winning isn’t everything.

20. If cash is tight, pitch in for his beer.

Whether he’s forgotten his wallet or can’t afford another round, it’s nice when you can help a friend out. Buying him a beer here and there goes a long way in showing your support.

21. Your bros become honorary uncles to your kid.

Our bros become our family, and they will be honorary uncles when you have kids. It’s important to set good examples for your children from their earliest years by surrounding them with positive male role models.

22. Never leave a fist bump hanging.

Ah, the iconic fist bump. The casual greeting has quite the significance in the bro world. Never reject a fist bump!

23. Make time for game night.

Pop some popcorn, order delivery, and settle in for a night of video games. Nothing says friendship like a night of virtual battles and trash-talking.

24. Don’t let him drunk call his ex-girlfriend.

Know when it’s time to take his phone away from him. He might not be happy in the moment, but he’ll surely thank you in the morning when all he has is a hangover instead of a whole new set of problems.

25. Talk him out of all bad decisions.

Whether he’s going through a lot of stress or has just had too many, step up when you need to. Help your bro make the right decision by being his voice of reason. Remind him that there are consequences for every action and that getting into trouble isn’t worth it in the end.

26. Always lend a condom.

This one’s for the safety of both your friend and his partner. It’s better to be prepared than sorry when it comes to matters of protection. You don’t want to be an uncle before your time!

27. Don’t judge him if he cries.

It takes a truly strong man to shed tears in front of another person, so never judge your friend if he breaks down in front of you. Instead, be there for him, and let him know it’s okay to be vulnerable.

28. Hold each other accountable.

We all make mistakes and need someone to call us out on our bad behavior. Your bro should be the person who holds you accountable and encourages you to do better when it matters most.

29. Get your story straight.

When you go out together, set up a code word or phrase that signals trouble. That way, if one of you gets into an awkward situation, the other can come to the rescue without having to explain everything right away.

30. Never forget birthdays.

It doesn’t matter if it’s his or his girlfriend’s—it’s important to show up and show your support. Send a card, pick up a gift, or just text and wish them the best on their special day. Doing so will go a long way in showing your appreciation for them as part of your friend group.

31. Don’t be jealous if his relationship progresses faster than yours.

You may be envious of his success, but don’t let it get in the way of your friendship. Instead, be happy for him, and offer advice on how to handle the changes that are happening in his life. After all, relationships are never easy!

32. Give honest feedback when asked.

Whether it’s about a new project or a potential date, give your honest opinion when asked. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to be brutally honest. Just be sure to provide insight and feedback that could help him make the best decisions for himself.

33. End arguments quickly and peacefully.

Nobody likes a heated argument, especially between two bros! If things start getting too heated, take a step back, and try to find some common ground. This will help both of you move on quickly and peacefully.

34. Back each other up.

No matter what, always have each other’s backs. Whether it’s defending a silly opinion or backing up a wild story, being there for one another is essential in any friendship. You can work out the details of that big fish story later.

35. Check on him from time to time.

Sometimes, all your bro needs is a reminder that you’re still thinking about him. Send a random text to see how he’s doing. Even the smallest gesture can make all the difference in his day.

36. Respect his car.

It’s no secret that men’s cars are their babies. If you borrow it, make sure to return it in the same condition. And for goodness’ sake, don’t forget to fill up the gas tank!

37. Tell him when his outfit looks horrible.

Honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to fashion. If he’s sporting a questionable look, don’t be afraid to tell him—just do so in a constructive way. You don’t want him walking around looking like an idiot! 

38. Be there for him during the ugly breakups.

Breakups can be hard, so make sure you’re there for your friend when he needs you most. Offer to listen if he wants to talk. Then turn up the playlist, and offer to take him out for a night on the town once in a while. This will help lift his spirits during the tough times.

39. Be nice to his girl.

You don’t have to like her, but you do have to be respectful when she’s around. After all, your friend chose her, so show her the same respect you would any other person in his life.

40. Always leave a buffer stall.

Last but far from least is to never, ever use the urinal right next to someone. It’s not just rude; it’s uncomfortable and a cardinal sin of the Bro Code. Leave at least one buffer stall between you and your friend. Heaven forbid you make eye contact in this scenario.

When to Break Bro Code

It’s important to remember that the Bro Code is a set of unwritten rules, and while popular culture tells us these rules should generally be followed, there may be times when it’s okay to bend or break the rules. However, if you choose to ignore this code of conduct entirely, ensure you’re prepared for any consequences that may arise from your actions.

Breaking Bro Code may be acceptable in situations like these:

When a friend is in danger: If your friend’s safety or well-being is at risk, it may be acceptable to break the code of conduct and intervene.

When relationships are on the line: Some situations call for difficult decisions that could jeopardize friendships. In these cases, breaking the code to protect relationships may be necessary.

When it’s the right thing to do: Sometimes, you have to stand up for what’s right, even if it means going against your friend’s wishes.

When it will help bring about a positive outcome: If you believe that breaking the code will result in a more favorable outcome for your friend, it may be acceptable to do so.

When it’s necessary to protect your own interests and safety: In certain scenarios, breaking the code may be needed if it means protecting yourself and your reputation. For instance, you may need to break the code of silence if you become aware of illegal or unethical activities being committed by your friend.

On the other hand, breaking the Bro Code rules in situations like these is unacceptable:

When it will cause harm to someone else: If your actions will result in harm or suffering to someone else, it’s not okay to break the code.

When it leads to gossiping: Gossip has no place in the bro world and should never be tolerated.

When it means betraying a friend: Betraying your bro’s trust by breaking the code is unacceptable in almost every circumstance.

When it could hurt someone’s feelings: If you know that someone’s feelings will be hurt, it’s best to respect the code and avoid doing anything that could cause harm.

If it will sabotage their romantic relationship: Tempting as it may be, never break the code to interfere with your friend’s romantic relationship. No matter what the situation is, always strive to have respect for yourself and your bros.

In certain situations, breaking Bro Code can be excused, but it’s important to remember that respect and loyalty are the cornerstones of any strong friendship. So, if in doubt, err on the side of caution, and adhere to the code. Doing so will help safeguard your friendship for years to come.


Honor the men’s room rules

Retire In Canada

I want to retire in Canada for cheaper healthcare — how will my Social Security, 401(k) and IRA work across borders?

Vawn Himmelsbach

Mon, March 3, 2025 at 5:30 PM GMT+1

6 min read

I’m thinking about retiring in Canada for the lower healthcare costs — what are the big steps to make that happen and how will my Social Security, 401(k) and IRA work across borders?

Let’s say you’re nearing retirement age and considering a move to Canada for the lower healthcare costs and proximity to your family north of the border.

You wouldn’t be the only one considering such a move. In 2024, it’s estimated that 10,080 Americans became permanent Canadian residents.

Moving to another country — including Canada — is complex. Canada doesn’t offer a retirement visa like some other countries. And Americans don’t have any special status with Canada that will get them ahead of the line in the immigration queue.

So, you’re wondering how difficult it would be to retire in Canada and how your Social Security, 401(k) and individual retirement account (IRA) would work across borders.

Here’s what you should know.

Key steps to retiring in Canada

If you’re moving to Canada for work, you’d need to have a job offer or qualify under an immigration program. You’d also need to prove you can support yourself, such as having proof of funds.

One option for retirees is to stay in Canada temporarily. As an American, you can stay in Canada as a visitor for up to six months at a time and don’t need to apply for a visa. You can even own real estate north of the border, so long as you exit Canada every six months.

This limitation could actually make it easier to handle your retirement accounts, since they could remain in the U.S. (and you could open a U.S. dollar bank account in Canada).

You could also work toward obtaining permanent resident status, which means qualifying under an eligible program. Most Americans gain permanent residency through the Express Entry or Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), which require you to meet educational, language proficiency and skilled work experience criteria.

You may want to consider moving to Canada before you retire to take advantage of work-related visas. Or, since you have family in Canada, a family member may be able to sponsor you.

If you become a permanent resident, you can live in Canada indefinitely, but that doesn’t automatically make you a Canadian citizen. You can apply to become a citizen after living in Canada for at least three out of five years, but keep in mind it can be a lengthy, complex process.

Understanding the cost of living in Canada

The cost of living in the U.S. is generally higher than in Canada, though it depends on where you’re moving from and where you’re moving to.

In general, though, the cost of living — including rent — is roughly 18% higher in the U.S. than in Canada, according to stats from Numbeo at the time of writing. However, local purchasing power is 35% higher in the U.S. than in Canada.

Taxes are generally higher in Canada, but citizens receive more services for those tax dollars. That includes publicly funded healthcare, which means you receive “free” care (paid for with taxes) at a doctor’s office, clinic or hospital.

While Americans can receive medical care in Canada, it’s not free unless you’re a permanent resident — in which case you may be eligible for provincial or territorial coverage. If you’re moving to Canada and not yet a permanent resident or citizen, you’ll want to have health insurance.

In fact, many Canadians have supplemental health insurance for care that isn’t covered, such as prescription drugs, vision care and dental care.

Another consideration is the cost of housing, which is an issue across North America. While the U.S. will be short 4 to 7 million homes by 2030, Canada will be short 3.5 million homes, according to the Consumer Choice Center. Canadian cities like Toronto and Vancouver also have higher housing costs than many smaller U.S. cities.

Managing your US retirement accounts across the border

If you decide to become a permanent resident or apply for citizenship in Canada, you’ll need to understand the implications for taxes, retirement accounts and Social Security. For example, Americans living abroad — including Canada — must continue filing taxes in the United States. That’s the case, even if they become a resident of another country.

However, under the United States–Canada Income Tax Treaty, both the U.S. and Canada provide a foreign income tax credit for any income tax paid in the other country, which helps citizens avoid double taxation.

While Canada taxes U.S. retirement income, U.S. Social Security is only taxed in the country of residence.

U.S. Social Security benefits paid to a resident of Canada “are taxed in Canada as if they were benefits under the Canada Pension Plan, except that 15% of the amount of the benefit is exempt from Canadian tax,” according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Your Social Security benefit can be deposited directly into a Canadian bank account, either in Canadian dollars or in U.S. dollars (if you have a U.S. dollar account).

However, if you have a pension, that income would be taxed in both the U.S. and Canada, though a foreign tax credit would be available for the U.S. portion, according to the Government of Canada.

Canada taxes distributions on U.S. retirement income, but 401(k), 403(b) and IRA plans are covered under the tax treaty. That means your funds can continue to grow tax-deferred in the U.S. until you have to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) at age 73, according to Edward Jones. Once a distribution is taken, you’ll need to claim that as income when filing your Canadian tax return.

It’s possible to roll your 401(k) into a traditional IRA and manage it from Canada, though you will need to do this with the help of a cross-border financial advisor. It’s also possible to transfer a 401(k) or traditional IRA into a Canadian Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), thanks to provisions under Canadian tax laws. But you can’t transfer a Roth IRA in the same way.

Income accruing in your Roth IRA “is generally subject to Canadian tax unless you make a one-time election under the Canada-U.S. Income Tax Treaty to defer taxation,” according to RBC Wealth Management Services. “When distributions are eventually made, they too may be exempt from Canadian tax by the Treaty (under certain conditions).”

If you decide to proceed with permanent residency, you’ll want to find a cross-border tax advisor who can advise you of the best options for managing your money and reducing the possibility of double taxation.

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